Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Here are some videos of the Palm Sunday procession by the Hermandad from La Merced church. The first video is one I took of the men's procession; 80 men carry the altar for a block and then switch. The altar weighs three and a half tons. The procession lasts 12 hours, 11 am to 11 pm, and by the end of the day, 9,000 men and women have helped carry an altar.

It was an amazing experience: the smell of the incense, the music from the band, the never ending wave of members of the Hermandad walking ahead waiting for their time to carry, the Roman soldiers walking with, and all of the kids participating with their parents.

This is video from early in the procession. We saw it again later when it went by Casa Herrera at around 9:30 pm. (If the video doesn't work, you can watch it here: http://vimeo.com/39609042)

Palm Sunday procession (men) from Sara Tess Neumann on Vimeo.

Here is video Jessica took of the women's procession. If you look carefully, you can see the women switching at the beginning. (If the video doesn't work, you can watch it here: http://vimeo.com/39684019)

Palm Sunday procession (women) from Sara Tess Neumann on Vimeo.

1 comment:

  1. Sara Tess and Jessica, I love the procession - the story and journey for Palm Sunday - shown in your videos. Thank you so much for sharing.
    Sara Tess's Mom
