DAY 1: Saturday, March 31, 2012
- Fly/shuttle to Antigua, Guatemala
- On-site Orientation at Casa Herrera -where we are staying
- Lecture & discussion at Casa Popenoe with UFM (Universidad Francisco MarroquĂn) students given by our own Dr. Bolin
- Welcome Dinner at Frida's Restaurant
DAY 2: Sunday, April 1, 2012 (Palm Sunday)
- Site observations of Calle del Arco, La Merced, Parque San Sebastian, Calle Manchen, and Jocotenango. View processions and observe the community alfombras for ideas on construction methods and design.
- Studio Time for alfombra planning and preparation
- Free Time
DAY 3: Monday, April 2, 2012
- Lecture and site visit on "The Catholic Church in Antigua" at Inglesia de San Francisco
- Go to local market to purchase materials for the alfombra
- Walking tour of Antigua
- Lecture on "Lent and Holy Week in Antigua"
- Dinner at Posada de Don Rodrigo
DAY 4: Tuesday, April 3, 2012
- Site visit to see an alfombra demonstration near La Merced
- Lecture on "The Role of Cofradias in Guatemala (Religious Brotherhoods who organize the Holy Week Processions)"
- Site visit to Centro Cultural Los Nazarenos, a local cultural center
- Studio Time to prepare activities to do with local children and any preparation for alfombra
- Free time
DAY 5: Wednesday, April 4, 2012
- Cooking class and lunch at El Frijol Feliz
- Activities with children at Centro Cultural Los Nazarenos
- Free time/ Studio time
DAY 6: Thursday, April 5, 2012 (Holy Thursday)
- Go to market to pick up last minute materials and fresh flowers
- Make alfombra
- Watch procession pass Casa Herrera and over our alfombra
- Visit churches at night to see community altars
- Visit La Merced Church for reenactment march of the Roman soldiers and the proclamation of Jesus' death sentence
- Watch procession that begins at La Merced Church
DAY 7: Friday, April 6, 2012 (Good Friday)
- Free time
- Recap session about alfombra project
- Watch reenactment of the crucifixion in front of La Iglesia San Jose Catedral
- Walk to Jocotenango to watch procession: Procesion del Senor Sepultado - Inglesia San Felipe de Jesus
- Walk to Calle del Arco/ La Merced to watch processions: Procesion del Senor Sepultado - Escuela de Cristo
DAY 8: Saturday, April 7, 2012
- Trip to Panajachel and Chichicastenango
- Take a boat ride and lake tour
- Visit San Juan La Laguna, a women's textile cooperative, and observe hand weaving and the natural dye process. Visit studios of celebrate naif painters.
- Visit village of Santaigo Atitlan to visit Maya God Maximon and learn about textiles, spiritualism and beliefs of the Maya T'zutujil
- Free time at Panajachel
DAY 9: Sunday, April 8, 2012
- Free time
- Recap of our trip
- Farewell dinner at La Fonda de la Calle Real
DAY 10: Monday, April 9, 2012
- Fly back to Austin